Meet with us @ MB Ag Days

We will be in attendance at Manitoba Ag Days on Wednesday January 23rd in Brandon, Manitoba.
We would love an opportunity to sit down with you for a coffee/drink [on us!] to learn more about your business, and tell you a bit about the exciting developments in the area of Modern Software for the Agriculture processing sector.
Got 15 minutes to spare? We guarantee it will be 15 minutes well spent.
Contact us, and we can setup a time/place to meet with you at the show.
We will see you at the North Dakota Grain Dealers Association Convention!

We look forward to seeing everyone at the North Dakota Grain Dealers Annual Convention & Show! This fantastic event takes place January 20-22 in Fargo, ND.
If you see us walking about the show, please stop us and say HI!
For more info on the conference, visit this site:
Visit us at Alberta Seed Processors AGM 2019!

Agriflo is everywhere this winter! Come visit us at the Alberta Seed Processors AGM, from January 16-18th at the Doubletree Inn 16615- 109 Ave, Edmonton, AB.
Visit us at our booth, or give us a call and we’ll be happy to setup a time and place to meet with you.
For more information on Alberta Seed Processors, or the AGM, visit:
Visit us at Feed & Grain LIVE 2019!

Agriflo is proud to be exhibiting, and speaking at Feed & Grain LIVE 2019!
The recent glysophate residue issues in grain, and the lettuce recall across North America both tell us a lot about how the tracking and traceability in our food and feed sectors is working, as well as what government, customers and end consumers expect. FISMA, SQF, BRC, AFRPS and other standards form the lowest set of expectations that we must achieve, but they themselves are substantially less than consumers are already demanding – and those demands are accelerating at an exponential rate. There are many challenges within an organization to addressing these issues, but there is an even greater challenge relating to doing so across all of the organizations in the supply chain. This is compounded by the decentralized nature of the agriculture sector, as well as a healthy distrust that most in the sector have for centralized authority. The traditional methods of addressing issues of intra-organizational data collection and exchange have been focused around large, centralized entities controlling the media of communication – and we all know that he who controls the media, controls the message. This is, and has been a major impediment to establishing an effective supply chain wide traceability solution – not only in agriculture, but in most other sectors as well. The arrival of Blockchain technology is a major breakthrough that eliminates almost all of these negatives, and provides a neutral playing field where everyone from the largest global food company to the smallest independent elevator can equally participate. The Blockchain revolution has already caused substantial change in the finance and banking industries, and major blockchain related changes are already happening in food. In this session we will talk about what exactly Blockchain is, how it works, what the applicability to Feed & Grain is, why adoption of this technology is going to happen much faster than you might think [hint: it already is!], and why organizations need to be preparing for it now.
For more information on this, or other issues pertaining to technical revolutions in tracking & traceability in Feed, Food and Grain.. contact us or visit us at Booth 52 at Feed & Grain Live 2019 in Altoona Iowa.. January 8-10, 2019!
Visit us at GrainWorld 2018, Booth #2

Agriflo is proud to be a sponsor of the 2018 GrainWorld Conference taking place Nov 13 & 14 in Winnipeg, MB at the RBC Convention Centre!
Come by and visit us at Booth #2 to learn more about digital transformation in the agribusiness sector. And, when you stop by, enter to win 2 tickets to the hotly anticipated NHL game on Nov 14th between the Winnipeg Jets and the Stanley Cup Champion Washington Capitals! Drop your card in the box to win!
What is Agriflo?
We know and love agribusiness. We’d love to talk to you and learn more about your business.
Call us at 1-888-3444-2652, Follow us on twitter @agri_flo, or Find us on Linked-in, Facebook, or our website !
Agriflo Featured in October 2018 Grain Journal

We are excited to be featured in the October 2018 edition of the Grain Journal! Thank you to the fine people at the Grain Journal for the opportunity!
For more information, contact us.
Agriflo & Fleet Tracker GPS Announce Partnership!
As part of our continuing dedication to enhancing and expanding the integration footprint of the Agriflo management solution, we are very happy to announce our partnership, and integration with the GPS tracking solutions provided by Fleet Tracker (
This partnership will allow users of Agriflo to have out of the box capabilities related to tracking the location/position, as well as meter/metrics on various types of equipment, such as Vehicles and Trailers. The practical implications of this are substantial, not only does this allow Agriflo to automatically determine that equipment is due for maintenance – and schedule that maintenance, but it also allows substantial improvements to fleet dispatch, tracking, turn-by-turn GPS instructions, proximity notifications, early and late arrival notifications, and much more.
We are excited about the opportunities this partnership opens for us, and our clients.
Some information about Fleet Tracker:
Fleet Tracker is family owned and operated and had been involved in Ag for generations.
We value the ideals and ethics in the Ag community. We have been in business since 2010 and have a technical background which relates well with GPS and the technology behind it. We also have experience in the installation process with helpful mechanical knowledge.
Our company sells GPS fleet and freight products, provides the installation and the service. We also maintain customers through support and training. Fleet Tracker offers a variety of GPS products from wired devices, wireless battery and disposable your company can find a solution that works for your needs. Our goal is to provide innovative solutions for the current and future needs of our customers.
We strive to continue growing stronger, supportive relationships in the industry.
For more information, please contact us.
Agriflo Supports Agriculture In The Classroom
CRM Systems is a proud supporter of Agriculture in the Classroom [Manitoba]. Our very own David Lapp, shown here teaching on technology in Ag. Children have an inherent interest in plants and food, and this is a great way to bring agriculture professionals directly into the classroom – to teach, inspire and answer questions.
Agriculture in the Classroom–Manitoba (AITC-M) has been operating since 1988. AITC-M delivers curriculum-based programs, activities and resources for teachers and their students to learn more about agriculture and the role it plays in our province. AITC-M is part of Agriculture in the Classroom-Canada, click here to find out more.
AITC-M is a non-profit, charitable organization supported by sponsors and members who share the organization’s goal. Executive Director Sue Clayton works with the Board of Directors, staff, members and volunteers to develop and deliver the programs to Manitoba schools.
AITC-M’s Board of Directors is an elected board that represents a cross section of the industry. There are 15 members who exhibit a commitment and dedication to delivering an accurate, balanced and current message about agriculture. This is AITC-M’s ABC principle and it is on the membership’s behalf that the organization demands accountability to it.
The AITC-M organization will promote the development of critical thinking skills related to the businesses of agriculture, food, bioproducts and life sciences in all Manitoba students. In coordination with commodity and other industry related organizations, AITC-M’s programming, events and services will further develop future decision-makers and entrepreneurs.
Vision: Agriculture in the Classroom-Manitoba Inc. will lead in the development and distribution of accurate, balanced and current information for use as education resources in school curriculum.
AITC-M’s Core Objectives:
• To enhance awareness of agriculture in Manitoba schools
• To develop an appreciation and awareness of the importance of agriculture, socially and economically
• To explain the process of food and fiber production from farm to consumer
• To inspire interest in agriculture and agriculture careers
• To provide a supporting role to Manitoba Education and Literacy in the linkage of accurate agriculture resources to existing course curriculum
• To work collaboratively with industry partners to develop engaging, interactive agricultural experiences for youth
• To develop resources and programs with the guidance and expertise from agriculture and education communities
AITC-M has a variety of programming designed to create links between agriculture and the classroom. All our programming can be customized to meet a particular need, or we’ll work with partners to develop a new program.
Contact CRM Systems if you are interested in having us present to your school, club or troop.
CRM Systems supports several different community organizations, and we are always interested in finding more good organizations to partner with.
Why should we connect?
There are many different types of challenges facing those of us in Agribusiness; we have challenges with Customers, Producers and even getting our product in and out in a timely manner. Our decisions have to be quick and accurate, which means that our decisions have to be made in real time. The world appears to be speeding up and our decision making has to follow. The biggest problem is what information do we need to make real time decisions? You may have heard of concepts like Big Data, Internet of Things, connectivity, inter-operability and Industry 4.0. Which are the ones you should consider?
1) Connectivity:
In order to gather the best information, we need to make sure that we are connected. This works best in closed loop systems so that all the important information is being captured. In recent years the ability to have a closed loop system has become far easier with PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers) and Automation Controls on the farm and in the processors’ plant. If you haven’t already connected these areas then it should be a top priority, because once you connect these areas together it will allow you to understand how your company is working.
An issue of connectivity is that there can be a shifting constraint. A shifting constraint occurs when you start connecting the pieces to close the loop and unsurprisingly problems will be found in your current processes, these are the shifting constraints. As you tackle and resolve the constraints as you discover them you may notice a shift to a new constraint. This eye opening process will be resolved once all the problems are corrected, allowing a much more efficient process for your everyday activities. This may be a little bit scary or may take some time and effort from employees and management, but I always tell people it is better to slow down in order to speed up. The result will be totally worth it.
2) Inter-operability:
Inter-operability is different from connectivity because it may not be a seamless integration. The concept of inter-operability is knowing that you have data that could be used in your decision making but realizing that you may have to pull this information from the source using third party tools or the ability to export. This can be a small extra step. However, implementing this type of communication strategy, even if they are third party tools will allow you to get information and data that can be vital when making rapid decisions and allows you the ability to stop relying on historical information.
These types of solutions can have challenges because sometimes the pieces may not be able to pull the information that you really need or want. This is when a cost benefit will have to be examined and a decision will have to be made about if it is worth while to make small changes and put something in place to help with the capture of information. Or do you leave it until it makes sense to change in a big way. In either scenario, you will need to be gathering information to help you decide.
3) Big Data:
Big Data is a very popular concept in the business world today. The idea that we should always be plugged in and pulling information from all the sources we can is pervasive and encompassing. The idea is that – More information is always better! However, is this actually true? Sometimes this is not always the case. Companies and Individuals can experience a situation called Analysis Paralysis. This occurs when we are getting too much information and then we can not even fathom where to start. I have come across this situation multiple times, people believe that if they pull every bit of data that they will find some pattern, or trend that will give them the “A-ha moment” to solve their problems.
However, the trick to Big Data is knowing what we need to measure and then to start from there! Even if we only focus on our top three issues in our business, imagine how much of a benefit that would be! In this case you could actually do more with less!
In closing the key to success in connectivity and Big Data is to start small and work towards your goal! By taking off bite size pieces, it makes the goal of true connectivity achievable for any company.